eProMail (emailsrvr.com) Server Settings
The following host names and ports should be used with our epromail service. Non-SSL ports that were available earlier are being discontinued as per the note at the end.
Incoming server host names and ports are as follows:
Incoming Server Type | Server Name | Port |
POP3 with SSL | secure.emailsrvr.com | 995 |
IMAP with SSL | secure.emailsrvr.com | 993 |
Outgoing server host names and ports are as follows:
Outgoing Server Type | Server Name | Port |
SMTP with SSL | secure.emailsrvr.com | 465 |
You should also enable outgoing SMTP server authentication in mail clients like Outlook. Your username will be you full email address and not just the part before @, eg. you@yourdomain.com
Depreciation of Non-Secure Protocols: We would like to inform our customers that over the next few months we will be gradually disabling non-SSL (non secure) IMAP/POP & SMTP protocols from connecting. Customers are advised to switch to the SSL hostname/ports within their mail-clients/devices, these settings can be retrieved by logging into: https://help.emailsrvr.com/