eProMail (emailsrvr.com) Server Settings

The following host names and ports should be used with our epromail service. Non-SSL ports that were available earlier are being discontinued as per the note at the end.

Incoming server host names and ports are as follows:

Incoming Server Type Server Name Port
POP3 with SSL secure.emailsrvr.com 995
IMAP with SSL secure.emailsrvr.com 993

Outgoing server host names and ports are as follows:

Outgoing Server Type Server Name Port
SMTP with SSL secure.emailsrvr.com 465

You should also enable outgoing SMTP server authentication in mail clients like Outlook. Your username will be you full email address and not just the part before @, eg. you@yourdomain.com

Depreciation of Non-Secure Protocols: We would like to inform our customers that over the next few months we will be gradually disabling non-SSL (non secure) IMAP/POP & SMTP protocols from connecting. Customers are advised to switch to the SSL hostname/ports within their mail-clients/devices, these settings can be retrieved by logging into: https://help.emailsrvr.com/

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