.ARMY Domain Name Registration | Free Email & DNS with all domains | nettigritty.com Web Hosting Bangalore, India

..ARMY  Domain Name

Register your .ARMY domain name today!
Free email & DNS included with every domain.

.army Domain Name Registration

Why Choose a .ARMY Domain?

1. Strong Identity for Military Organizations:
A .ARMY domain instantly conveys a connection to military services, making it an ideal choice for armed forces, veteran associations, and other military-related entities. It establishes a strong and authoritative online presence that resonates with your target audience.

2. Community Building:
A .ARMY domain helps create a sense of community among those who serve or have served in the military. It's a great way to foster a sense of belonging, whether for recruitment, communication, or organizing events.

3. Memorable and Specific:
The .ARMY extension is memorable and specific, making it easy for users to recall your website. It stands out in a sea of generic domains, helping you to attract and retain visitors more effectively.

4. Trust and Credibility:
A .ARMY domain can enhance trust and credibility for your website. Whether you're providing resources, news, or services related to the military, users will feel confident knowing your site is dedicated to this specific field.

5. Perfect for Military Enthusiasts:
Whether you're running a blog, forum, or e-commerce site focused on military gear, history, or collectibles, a .ARMY domain positions your brand as an expert in the field and attracts a passionate audience.

6. Availability and Flexibility:
With .ARMY being a niche TLD, there’s a higher chance of securing your desired domain name compared to more common extensions. This flexibility allows for creativity in branding and domain selection.

A .ARMY domain is perfect for those looking to build a strong, credible, and memorable online presence within the military community. Whether you're a military organization, a veteran, or an enthusiast, .ARMY helps you connect with your audience in a meaningful way.

How to start your .ARMY website?

Find your name

Find the perfect ..ARMY domain name using our search tool. Register it in minutes!

Choose Hosting

We offer Linux hosting, Windows hosting, Cloud options, Email Services and also Site builder options to get you started on your web presence journey. Sign up now!

Go Live!

Publish your content and let our team help configure any needed settings to help you go live with your ..ARMY website and email.

FREE Add-ons with every Domain Name!

Get over $100 worth of Free Services with every Domain you Register

  • DNS Management
    Free lifetime DNS service which allows you to manage your DNS records on our globally distributed and highly redundant DNS infrastructure.
  • Bulk Tools
    Easy-to-use bulk tools to help you Register, Renew, Transfer and make other changes to several Domain Names in a single step.
  • Domain Forwarding
    Point your domain name to another website for free! Redirect users when they type your domain name into a browser (with/without domain masking & SEO)
  • Domain Theft Protection
    Protect your Domain from being transferred out accidentally or without your permission with our free Domain Theft Protection.
  • Easy to use Control Panel
    Use our intuitive Control Panel to manage your domain name, configure email accounts, renew your domain name and buy more services.

  • More Domain Extensions:

    .5g.in | .6g.in | .aaa.pro | .aca.pro | .academy | .accountant | .accountants | .acct.pro | .actor | .adult | .adv.br | .ae.org | .agency | .ai | .ai.in | .airforce | .am.in | .amsterdam | .apartments | .app | .archi | .army | .arq.br | .art.br | .art | .asia | .associates | .attorney | .au | .auction | .audio | .auto | .avocat.pro | .band | .bar | .bar.pro | .bargains | .beer | .berlin | .best | .bet | .bharat | .bid | .bihar.in | .bike | .bingo | .bio | .biz | .biz.in | .black | .blackfriday | .blog.br | .blog | .blue | .boutique | .br.com | .build | .builders | .business | .business.in | .buzz | .bz | .ca | .ca.in | .cab | .cafe | .cam | .camera | .camp | .capetown | .capital | .car | .cards | .care | .career | .careers | .cars | .casa | .cash | .casino | .catering | .cc | .center | .chat | .cheap | .christmas | .church | .city | .cl | .claims | .cleaning | .click | .clinic | .clothing | .cloud | .club | .cn.com | .cn | .cn.in | .co.com | .co.de | .co | .co.in | .co.nz | .co.uk | .co.za | .coach | .codes | .coffee | .college | .com.au | .com.br | .com.cn | .com.co | .com.de | .com.ec | .com | .com.in | .com.mx | .com.ru | .com.sc | .community | .company | .computer | .condos | .construction | .consulting | .contractors | .cooking | .cool | .coop.in | .country | .coupons | .courses | .cpa.pro | .credit | .creditcard | .cricket | .cruises | .cs.in | .cymru | .dance | .date | .dating | .de.com | .de | .deals | .degree | .delhi.in | .delivery | .democrat | .dental | .dentist | .desi | .design | .dev | .diamonds | .diet | .digital | .direct | .directory | .discount | .doctor | .dog | .domains | .download | .dr.in | .durban | .earth | .ec | .eco.br | .eco | .education | .email | .energy | .eng.br | .eng.pro | .engineer | .engineering | .enterprises | .equipment | .er.in | .es | .estate | .eu.com | .eu | .events | .exchange | .expert | .exposed | .express | .fail | .faith | .family | .fans | .farm | .fashion | .feedback | .fin.ec | .finance | .financial | .firm.in | .fish | .fishing | .fit | .fitness | .flights | .florist | .flowers | .fm | .football | .forsale | .foundation | .fr | .fun | .fund | .furniture | .futbol | .fyi | .gallery | .game | .games | .garden | .gb.com | .gb.net | .gdn | .gen.in | .gift | .gifts | .gives | .glass | .global | .gmbh | .gold | .golf | .gr.com | .graphics | .gratis | .green | .gripe | .group | .guide | .guitars | .gujarat.in | .guru | .haus | .health | .healthcare | .help | .hiphop | .hockey | .holdings | .holiday | .homes | .horse | .hospital | .host | .hosting | .house | .how | .hu.com | .icu | .id | .immo | .immobilien | .in | .in.net | .ind.br | .ind.in | .industries | .info.ec | .info | .info.in | .ink | .institute | .insure | .int.in | .international | .internet.in | .investments | .io | .io.in | .irish | .jetzt | .jewelry | .jobs | .joburg | .jpn.com | .juegos | .jur.pro | .kaufen | .kim | .kitchen | .kiwi | .kr.com | .la | .land | .lat | .law | .law.pro | .lawyer | .lease | .legal | .lgbt | .life | .lighting | .limited | .limo | .link | .live | .loan | .loans | .lol | .london | .lotto | .love | .ltd | .ltda | .luxury | .maison | .management | .market | .marketing | .markets | .mba | .me | .me.in | .me.uk | .med.ec | .med.pro | .media | .memorial | .men | .menu | .miami | .mn | .mobi | .moda | .mom | .money | .mortgage | .mus.br | .mx | .nagoya | .name | .navy | .net.au | .net.br | .net.cn | .net.co | .net.ec | .net | .net.in | .net.nz | .net.ru | .net.sc | .network | .news | .ngo | .ninja | .nl | .no.com | .nom.co | .nyc | .nz | .one | .ong | .online | .ooo | .org.cn | .org | .org.in | .org.mx | .org.nz | .org.ru | .org.sc | .org.uk | .page | .partners | .parts | .party | .pet | .pg.in | .ph | .photo | .photography | .photos | .physio | .pics | .pictures | .pink | .pizza | .place | .plumbing | .plus | .poker | .porn | .post.in | .press | .pro.br | .pro.ec | .pro | .pro.in | .productions | .promo | .properties | .property | .protection | .pub | .pw | .qc.com | .quebec | .racing | .recht.pro | .recipes | .red | .rehab | .reisen | .rent | .rentals | .repair | .report | .republican | .rest | .restaurant | .review | .reviews | .rip | .rocks | .rodeo | .ru.com | .ru | .run | .sa.com | .sale | .salon | .sarl | .sc | .school | .schule | .science | .scot | .se.com | .se.net | .security | .services | .sex | .sexy | .shabaka | .shiksha | .shoes | .shop | .shopping | .show | .singles | .site | .ski | .soccer | .social | .software | .solar | .solutions | .soy | .space | .srl | .store | .stream | .studio | .study | .style | .supplies | .supply | .support | .surf | .surgery | .sx | .systems | .tattoo | .tax | .taxi | .team | .tech | .technology | .tel | .tennis | .theater | .theatre | .tienda | .tips | .tires | .today | .tokyo | .tools | .top | .tours | .town | .toys | .trade | .trading | .training | .travel | .travel.in | .tube | .tv | .tv.in | .uk.com | .uk | .uk.in | .uk.net | .university | .uno | .up.in | .us.com | .us | .us.in | .uy.com | .vacations | .vc | .vegas | .ventures | .vet | .viajes | .video | .villas | .vin | .vip | .vision | .vodka | .vote | .voto | .voyage | .wales | .wang | .watch | .webcam | .website | .wedding | .wiki.br | .wiki | .win | .wine | .work | .works | .world | .ws | .wtf | .xxx | .xyz | .yoga | .za.com | .zone | See All | Why Us