Restoring a database

To restore a database, you can follow the steps below:

1. Login to Plesk at the URL mentioned in your hosting account information email.
2. If you have logged in as a reseller, select the domain under which the database is created. If you have logged in as the domain admin, please proceed to the next step.
3. Click on the Backup Manager icon (under Files section).
4. Click the Database Backup Repository icon.
5. Click Upload Backup File.
6. Select the database name from databases drop down.
7. Click the choose file button to browse to and select a database backup file (.BAK for MSSQL) on your local system and click the OK button.
8. Confirm restore on the next page to proceed.

In case you face any issues restoring the database using this method, upload your backup file to the httpdocs folder and send us your database name, DB username and password to perform the restore for you.

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