Setting up a VPN connection for IPMI
The following steps are valid for our global range of servers (US, EU, SG). Please contact support to setup your VPN and IPMI details if required. To connect to the server via VPN and then open IPMI, please follow the steps below
On Windows:
Please download the IPMIView Software from the link below
You will be able to connect to IPMI (and KVM) by following the steps below.
1. Open an instance of internet explorer as administrator (run as administrator)
2. Login at with your VPN username and password
3. Allow the VPN software to install and connect
Next, using the IPMIView software you will be able to connect to your server’s IPMI IP address with your IPMI login details. Once logged in, you can then perform all IPMI tasks including KVM.
On Mac:
You can follow the steps below for configuring PPTP in Mac OS X 10.X (latest verified 10.6.2)
• Click on the Apple in the top left of your screen and select “System Preferences…”
• In the section Internet and Network, select “Network”.
• Below the left hand section where your Connection types live there is a small plus sign, click on it.
• For Interface select “VPN”, VPN Type select “PPTP” for Service Name choose a name for your connection something like “Nettigritty Private Network” will work and select Create.
• Now on the left hand side, you will have a new connection with the name that you just chose, go ahead and select it so that we can start to configure it.
• Enter in the following for the Server Address:
• In the account name field enter your VPN username.
• Now click on Authentication Settings…, in the menu that appears select Password, type in your password and select OK.
• Check the box to Show VPN status in menu bar for easy access later and now click Apply.
• That’s it! Look up to the top right in your menu bar and you should see the VPN Menu bar item. Click on it and then click “Connect
IPMIView Software for Linux is at
Using the IPMIView software you will be able to connect to your server’s IPMI IP address with your IPMI login details. Once logged in, you can then perform all IPMI tasks including KVM.