.US Domain Name Registration | Free Email & DNS with all domains | nettigritty.com Web Hosting Bangalore, India

..US  Domain Name

Register your .US domain name today!
Free email & DNS included with every domain.

.us Domain Name Registration

Why choose .US?
DotUS is America's Internet address! Having a .US domain gives citizens, businesses, organizations and government agencies unique and memorable American identities online. Shouldn't you be next? Understandably, there has been a major rise in patriotism over the last several years. Having a .US domain is great way to say that you and your business are proud to be American. There is no better time than the present to register your domain as a .US. 
From a business perspective, the .US domain is pivotal. The .US extension enables domestic and international firms of every size and industry to protect their trademarks and establish corporate identities online in the United States. The same is true for not-for-profits and charities, enabling them to show their presence within the United States. 
In addition, registering a .US extension will give you the opportunity to list your domain in the US Directory. This free service will help build your business and advertise your services. Your domain can be listed online at a .US postal code page. For instance, if your business is located in Webster, NY (zip code 14580), your domain can be listed on the 14580.US website. The .US Directory is meant to work as a type of yellow pages for local areas. This unique directory will include thousands of businesses, organizations, clubs, and schools in your local community. Make your company, and yourself part of this ground-breaking project! 
Safeguarding your personal identity is crucial today. This should be the same for your online identity, as well as that of your trademark. When it comes to business, protecting your assets is critical; that includes everything from your bankroll to your domains. If you don’t register your name in country code TLDs, someone else might. Attempting to procure a domain after it is registered is much more labor-intensive than being the first to obtain it. Ensure that your competitors do not purchase your trademark, and register it yourself. 
The draw of ccTLDs also includes registering short domains. Finding this type of domain in more common extensions can be a modern day treasure hunt. The possibility of acquiring a domain with a common or short word is much greater in ccTLDs because they are still growing. Domain hacks offer an additional attraction to ccTLDs. Due to their short extensions, it is easy to create domains such as syllab.US, copio.US, or papyr.US.
About the United States of America
Located in North America, the United States borders both the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean, between Canada and Mexico. The combined area of all 50 states and the District of Columbia is 3,794,083 square miles, about half the size of Russia. The population was 313.9 million in 2012, according to the census of that year. The official language of the United States is English, although Spanish is also widely spoken. 
The United States is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations. This is due to large-scale immigration from many countries over the last several centuries. The U.S. economy is the largest national economy in the world, with an estimated 2012 gross domestic product (GDP) of (USD) $16.69 trillion.
Restrictions on .US domain name registrations
You must be a US citizen, a permanent United States resident, or a US entity such as organizations and corporations. Additionally, any business or corporation with a bona fide presence in the USA may register.

How to start your .US website?

Find your name

Find the perfect ..US domain name using our search tool. Register it in minutes!

Choose Hosting

We offer Linux hosting, Windows hosting, Cloud options, Email Services and also Site builder options to get you started on your web presence journey. Sign up now!

Go Live!

Publish your content and let our team help configure any needed settings to help you go live with your ..US website and email.

FREE Add-ons with every Domain Name!

Get over $100 worth of Free Services with every Domain you Register

  • DNS Management
    Free lifetime DNS service which allows you to manage your DNS records on our globally distributed and highly redundant DNS infrastructure.
  • Bulk Tools
    Easy-to-use bulk tools to help you Register, Renew, Transfer and make other changes to several Domain Names in a single step.
  • Domain Forwarding
    Point your domain name to another website for free! Redirect users when they type your domain name into a browser (with/without domain masking & SEO)
  • Domain Theft Protection
    Protect your Domain from being transferred out accidentally or without your permission with our free Domain Theft Protection.
  • Easy to use Control Panel
    Use our intuitive Control Panel to manage your domain name, configure email accounts, renew your domain name and buy more services.

  • More Domain Extensions:

    .5g.in | .6g.in | .aaa.pro | .aca.pro | .academy | .accountant | .accountants | .acct.pro | .actor | .adult | .adv.br | .ae.org | .agency | .ai | .ai.in | .airforce | .am.in | .amsterdam | .apartments | .app | .archi | .army | .arq.br | .art.br | .art | .asia | .associates | .attorney | .au | .auction | .audio | .auto | .avocat.pro | .band | .bar | .bar.pro | .bargains | .beer | .berlin | .best | .bet | .bharat | .bid | .bihar.in | .bike | .bingo | .bio | .biz | .biz.in | .black | .blackfriday | .blog.br | .blog | .blue | .boutique | .br.com | .build | .builders | .business | .business.in | .buzz | .bz | .ca | .ca.in | .cab | .cafe | .cam | .camera | .camp | .capetown | .capital | .car | .cards | .care | .career | .careers | .cars | .casa | .cash | .casino | .catering | .cc | .center | .chat | .cheap | .christmas | .church | .city | .cl | .claims | .cleaning | .click | .clinic | .clothing | .cloud | .club | .cn.com | .cn | .cn.in | .co.com | .co.de | .co | .co.in | .co.nz | .co.uk | .co.za | .coach | .codes | .coffee | .college | .com.au | .com.br | .com.cn | .com.co | .com.de | .com.ec | .com | .com.in | .com.mx | .com.ru | .com.sc | .community | .company | .computer | .condos | .construction | .consulting | .contractors | .cooking | .cool | .coop.in | .country | .coupons | .courses | .cpa.pro | .credit | .creditcard | .cricket | .cruises | .cs.in | .cymru | .dance | .date | .dating | .de.com | .de | .deals | .degree | .delhi.in | .delivery | .democrat | .dental | .dentist | .desi | .design | .dev | .diamonds | .diet | .digital | .direct | .directory | .discount | .doctor | .dog | .domains | .download | .dr.in | .durban | .earth | .ec | .eco.br | .eco | .education | .email | .energy | .eng.br | .eng.pro | .engineer | .engineering | .enterprises | .equipment | .er.in | .es | .estate | .eu.com | .eu | .events | .exchange | .expert | .exposed | .express | .fail | .faith | .family | .fans | .farm | .fashion | .feedback | .fin.ec | .finance | .financial | .firm.in | .fish | .fishing | .fit | .fitness | .flights | .florist | .flowers | .fm | .football | .forsale | .foundation | .fr | .fun | .fund | .furniture | .futbol | .fyi | .gallery | .game | .games | .garden | .gb.com | .gb.net | .gdn | .gen.in | .gift | .gifts | .gives | .glass | .global | .gmbh | .gold | .golf | .gr.com | .graphics | .gratis | .green | .gripe | .group | .guide | .guitars | .gujarat.in | .guru | .haus | .health | .healthcare | .help | .hiphop | .hockey | .holdings | .holiday | .homes | .horse | .hospital | .host | .hosting | .house | .how | .hu.com | .icu | .id | .immo | .immobilien | .in | .in.net | .ind.br | .ind.in | .industries | .info.ec | .info | .info.in | .ink | .institute | .insure | .int.in | .international | .internet.in | .investments | .io | .io.in | .irish | .jetzt | .jewelry | .jobs | .joburg | .jpn.com | .juegos | .jur.pro | .kaufen | .kim | .kitchen | .kiwi | .kr.com | .la | .land | .lat | .law | .law.pro | .lawyer | .lease | .legal | .lgbt | .life | .lighting | .limited | .limo | .link | .live | .loan | .loans | .lol | .london | .lotto | .love | .ltd | .ltda | .luxury | .maison | .management | .market | .marketing | .markets | .mba | .me | .me.in | .me.uk | .med.ec | .med.pro | .media | .memorial | .men | .menu | .miami | .mn | .mobi | .moda | .mom | .money | .mortgage | .mus.br | .mx | .nagoya | .name | .navy | .net.au | .net.br | .net.cn | .net.co | .net.ec | .net | .net.in | .net.nz | .net.ru | .net.sc | .network | .news | .ngo | .ninja | .nl | .no.com | .nom.co | .nyc | .nz | .one | .ong | .online | .ooo | .org.cn | .org | .org.in | .org.mx | .org.nz | .org.ru | .org.sc | .org.uk | .page | .partners | .parts | .party | .pet | .pg.in | .ph | .photo | .photography | .photos | .physio | .pics | .pictures | .pink | .pizza | .place | .plumbing | .plus | .poker | .porn | .post.in | .press | .pro.br | .pro.ec | .pro | .pro.in | .productions | .promo | .properties | .property | .protection | .pub | .pw | .qc.com | .quebec | .racing | .recht.pro | .recipes | .red | .rehab | .reisen | .rent | .rentals | .repair | .report | .republican | .rest | .restaurant | .review | .reviews | .rip | .rocks | .rodeo | .ru.com | .ru | .run | .sa.com | .sale | .salon | .sarl | .sc | .school | .schule | .science | .scot | .se.com | .se.net | .security | .services | .sex | .sexy | .shabaka | .shiksha | .shoes | .shop | .shopping | .show | .singles | .site | .ski | .soccer | .social | .software | .solar | .solutions | .soy | .space | .srl | .store | .stream | .studio | .study | .style | .supplies | .supply | .support | .surf | .surgery | .sx | .systems | .tattoo | .tax | .taxi | .team | .tech | .technology | .tel | .tennis | .theater | .theatre | .tienda | .tips | .tires | .today | .tokyo | .tools | .top | .tours | .town | .toys | .trade | .trading | .training | .travel | .travel.in | .tube | .tv | .tv.in | .uk.com | .uk | .uk.in | .uk.net | .university | .uno | .up.in | .us.com | .us | .us.in | .uy.com | .vacations | .vc | .vegas | .ventures | .vet | .viajes | .video | .villas | .vin | .vip | .vision | .vodka | .vote | .voto | .voyage | .wales | .wang | .watch | .webcam | .website | .wedding | .wiki.br | .wiki | .win | .wine | .work | .works | .world | .ws | .wtf | .xxx | .xyz | .yoga | .za.com | .zone | See All | Why Us