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AH01980: bad response from OCSP server: (none)

Friday, May 19th, 2017

If you see the errors below in Apache error log tail -f /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log AH01980: bad response from OCSP server: (none) AH01941: stapling_renew_response: responder error Browse to WHM > Apache Configuration > Include Editor > Pre VirtualHost Include > ALL Versions Paste the text below and click update, then restart Apache SSLUseStapling off Sites and servers […]

Enable htscanner for .htaccess to work with suPHP/FastCGI

Thursday, February 27th, 2014

First, install htscanner from WHM > Module Installers > PHP Pecl > htscanner This will allow php_value and php_flag to work with php. Next for it to also work with Apache without the need to use ifmodule # cd /usr/src/ # wget # tar -zxf htscanner-1.0.1.tgz # cd htscanner-1.0.1 IMPORTANT: Make sure apache has […]

Change ownership of (chown) a symlink

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

The standard command to change ownership of any file on Linux is chown. However passing this normally with does not change ownership of a symbolic link. To do that, pass the command with the -h flag like in the example below. chown -h username.groupname symlinkname

Which are the available Linux distros?

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

We can presently (August, 2011) provide the following Linux distributions on Cloud Computing Instances or Dedicated servers: CentOS 5 – LAMP (32 bit) CentOS 5 – LAMP (64 bit) CentOS 5 – Minimal (32 bit) CentOS 5 – Minimal (64 bit) CentOS 6.0 – LAMP (32 bit) CentOS 6.0 – LAMP (64 bit) CentOS 6.0 […]

How do I increase the maximum number of mails a particular domain can send in one hour in WHM?

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007

This can be done directly from WHM. 1. Click the link “Modify an account in WHM” 2. Select the domain and click the Modify button 3. Scroll down to the option “Hourly Email by Domain Relayed” 4. Enter the allowed number of mails per hour for that domain 5. Click Save