.SAGATHAN Domain Name Registration | Free Email & DNS with all domains | nettigritty.com Web Hosting Bangalore, India


Register the domain name of your choice today!

Domain Name Registration

Domain Name Registration

.com ₹1200      .in ₹700     .co ₹2760 ₹999

₹2760 ₹999
₹1250 ₹899
₹2200 ₹439
₹1770 ₹499

FREE Add-ons with every Domain Name!

Get over $100 worth of Free Services with every Domain you Register

  • DNS Management
    Free lifetime DNS service which allows you to manage your DNS records on our globally distributed and highly redundant DNS infrastructure.
  • Bulk Tools
    Easy-to-use bulk tools to help you Register, Renew, Transfer and make other changes to several Domain Names in a single step.
  • Domain Forwarding
    Point your domain name to another website for free! Redirect users when they type your domain name into a browser (with/without domain masking & SEO)
  • Domain Theft Protection
    Protect your Domain from being transferred out accidentally or without your permission with our free Domain Theft Protection.
  • Easy to use Control Panel
    Use our intuitive Control Panel to manage your domain name, configure email accounts, renew your domain name and buy more services.

  • Why choose nettigritty for your domains?


    Think of us as your private domain concierge! Need help registering multiple domains for your brand or finding suitable extensions for your domain? Give us a shout and we'll help you out. Naturally, your domain would ultimately be based on your choice and preference. Registering and renewing your domains with us can be as simple as sending us an email after it is booked on our website. As long as you have balance to cover your orders, we'll process it for you just over a quick confirmed email.


    If there is anyone you should trust with your domains apart from yourself, it's us! nettigritty has been in the business since 2003 and takes domain ownership very seriously. We believe that your domain is your property on the web. That needs to be guarded well at all times and we go to great lengths to ensure that only rightful owners always have complete access to manage their domain names.


    We always price our domains honestly to the best rates we can offer you and regularly have various domain names on sale to help you get the best deals. Apart from that, we offer free email addresses, DNS management, Theft Protection, Email forwarding, and Domain Forwarding bundled with your domain name. 


    nettigritty has been in the web hosting business since 2003. This is our core business, our strength and what we do best. Our team is always here to assist you 24/7 with absolutely anything you may need for your web presence.


    Some of the domain name extensions we register:

    .5g.in | .6g.in | .aaa.pro | .aca.pro | .academy | .accountant | .accountants | .acct.pro | .actor | .adult | .adv.br | .ae.org | .agency | .ai | .ai.in | .airforce | .am.in | .amsterdam | .apartments | .app | .archi | .army | .arq.br | .art.br | .art | .asia | .associates | .attorney | .au | .auction | .audio | .auto | .avocat.pro | .band | .bar | .bar.pro | .bargains | .beer | .berlin | .best | .bet | .bharat | .bid | .bihar.in | .bike | .bingo | .bio | .biz | .biz.in | .black | .blackfriday | .blog.br | .blog | .blue | .boutique | .br.com | .build | .builders | .business | .business.in | .buzz | .bz | .ca | .ca.in | .cab | .cafe | .cam | .camera | .camp | .capetown | .capital | .car | .cards | .care | .career | .careers | .cars | .casa | .cash | .casino | .catering | .cc | .center | .chat | .cheap | .christmas | .church | .city | .cl | .claims | .cleaning | .click | .clinic | .clothing | .cloud | .club | .cn.com | .cn | .cn.in | .co.com | .co.de | .co | .co.in | .co.nz | .co.uk | .co.za | .coach | .codes | .coffee | .college | .com.au | .com.br | .com.cn | .com.co | .com.de | .com.ec | .com | .com.in | .com.mx | .com.ru | .com.sc | .community | .company | .computer | .condos | .construction | .consulting | .contractors | .cooking | .cool | .coop.in | .country | .coupons | .courses | .cpa.pro | .credit | .creditcard | .cricket | .cruises | .cs.in | .cymru | .dance | .date | .dating | .de.com | .de | .deals | .degree | .delhi.in | .delivery | .democrat | .dental | .dentist | .desi | .design | .dev | .diamonds | .diet | .digital | .direct | .directory | .discount | .doctor | .dog | .domains | .download | .dr.in | .durban | .earth | .ec | .eco.br | .eco | .education | .email | .energy | .eng.br | .eng.pro | .engineer | .engineering | .enterprises | .equipment | .er.in | .es | .estate | .eu.com | .eu | .events | .exchange | .expert | .exposed | .express | .fail | .faith | .family | .fans | .farm | .fashion | .feedback | .fin.ec | .finance | .financial | .firm.in | .fish | .fishing | .fit | .fitness | .flights | .florist | .flowers | .fm | .football | .forsale | .foundation | .fr | .fun | .fund | .furniture | .futbol | .fyi | .gallery | .game | .games | .garden | .gb.com | .gb.net | .gdn | .gen.in | .gift | .gifts | .gives | .glass | .global | .gmbh | .gold | .golf | .gr.com | .graphics | .gratis | .green | .gripe | .group | .guide | .guitars | .gujarat.in | .guru | .haus | .health | .healthcare | .help | .hiphop | .hockey | .holdings | .holiday | .homes | .horse | .hospital | .host | .hosting | .house | .how | .hu.com | .icu | .id | .immo | .immobilien | .in | .in.net | .ind.br | .ind.in | .industries | .info.ec | .info | .info.in | .ink | .institute | .insure | .int.in | .international | .internet.in | .investments | .io | .io.in | .irish | .jetzt | .jewelry | .jobs | .joburg | .jpn.com | .juegos | .jur.pro | .kaufen | .kim | .kitchen | .kiwi | .kr.com | .la | .land | .lat | .law | .law.pro | .lawyer | .lease | .legal | .lgbt | .life | .lighting | .limited | .limo | .link | .live | .loan | .loans | .lol | .london | .lotto | .love | .ltd | .ltda | .luxury | .maison | .management | .market | .marketing | .markets | .mba | .me | .me.in | .me.uk | .med.ec | .med.pro | .media | .memorial | .men | .menu | .miami | .mn | .mobi | .moda | .mom | .money | .mortgage | .mus.br | .mx | .nagoya | .name | .navy | .net.au | .net.br | .net.cn | .net.co | .net.ec | .net | .net.in | .net.nz | .net.ru | .net.sc | .network | .news | .ngo | .ninja | .nl | .no.com | .nom.co | .nyc | .nz | .one | .ong | .online | .ooo | .org.cn | .org | .org.in | .org.mx | .org.nz | .org.ru | .org.sc | .org.uk | .page | .partners | .parts | .party | .pet | .pg.in | .ph | .photo | .photography | .photos | .physio | .pics | .pictures | .pink | .pizza | .place | .plumbing | .plus | .poker | .porn | .post.in | .press | .pro.br | .pro.ec | .pro | .pro.in | .productions | .promo | .properties | .property | .protection | .pub | .pw | .qc.com | .quebec | .racing | .recht.pro | .recipes | .red | .rehab | .reisen | .rent | .rentals | .repair | .report | .republican | .rest | .restaurant | .review | .reviews | .rip | .rocks | .rodeo | .ru.com | .ru | .run | .sa.com | .sale | .salon | .sarl | .sc | .school | .schule | .science | .scot | .se.com | .se.net | .security | .services | .sex | .sexy | .shabaka | .shiksha | .shoes | .shop | .shopping | .show | .singles | .site | .ski | .soccer | .social | .software | .solar | .solutions | .soy | .space | .srl | .store | .stream | .studio | .study | .style | .supplies | .supply | .support | .surf | .surgery | .sx | .systems | .tattoo | .tax | .taxi | .team | .tech | .technology | .tel | .tennis | .theater | .theatre | .tienda | .tips | .tires | .today | .tokyo | .tools | .top | .tours | .town | .toys | .trade | .trading | .training | .travel | .travel.in | .tube | .tv | .tv.in | .uk.com | .uk | .uk.in | .uk.net | .university | .uno | .up.in | .us.com | .us | .us.in | .uy.com | .vacations | .vc | .vegas | .ventures | .vet | .viajes | .video | .villas | .vin | .vip | .vision | .vodka | .vote | .voto | .voyage | .wales | .wang | .watch | .webcam | .website | .wedding | .wiki.br | .wiki | .win | .wine | .work | .works | .world | .ws | .wtf | .xxx | .xyz | .yoga | .za.com | .zone | See All